Trouble with timelines

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Trouble with timelines

Postby AdamP » Sun May 13, 2012 3:38 pm

Hi! Great software. I’m giving it a try before I buy. I ran into a few questions I’m hoping you can help me out with.

Here is the setup I’m using.

1) I open the program and load the example fireworks.ptc
2) I select the first example: Fireworks1
3) I change the weight factor to 0%
4) I change the duration of emission to 1 second
5) I make sure the speed factor is set at 1 as well
6) I open the timeline settings and tell it to goto 1 second max

Here is what I have a question about.
A) How do I make sure the animation ONLY takes one second? Currently the last particle will be emitted at time index 1s but could live for some time after that. I’d like to create an animation that takes exactly 1 second.

B) Even though I set the timeline to goto 1 second it still plays out a full five seconds. For most of the animation I’m staring at a blank screen. I’d like it to play the second and then loop back to the beginning instead of making me wait four more seconds until I can see my animation again.

I hope my questions make sense. Thanks for making such great software!
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Re: Trouble with timelines

Postby Odin_KG » Sun May 13, 2012 6:37 pm

Hi! Thanks for your message.

By default the animation is played while alive particles exist. But "Visibility range" allows to change it. You need decrease the value 100%. In this case emitter will be playing 1 second.
range.jpg (60.63 KiB) Viewed 27022 times
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Re: Trouble with timelines

Postby AdamP » Mon May 14, 2012 1:03 am

wow... you have thought of everything. The more I use this program the more I like it! Thanks for making such a great program, and making it so affordable.
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Re: Trouble with timelines

Postby Odin_KG » Mon May 14, 2012 7:49 am

Thank you for your opinion about Magic Particles! :)
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